Swiggy Instamart launched a New Year's campaign featuring Bollywood icon Himesh Reshammiya, where he fused his iconic 2000s style with a cheeky political twist. In an ad that went live in a festive push, he could be seen in the avatars of a political speaker, addressing people and announcing the launch of a new "party." However, there was no political movement. Rather, it was his own "party" meant for an endless New Year's celebration to keep up with the festive spirit alive.
In the commercial, Reshammiya gives a dramatic breaking news announcement, saying, "Ek party jo kabhi khatam na ho," promising an ongoing party for all. This lighthearted approach gets further amplified as he introduces "Evivaan," a fun, energetic reference to his best hit songs. He gets the crowd energized with the recreation of the iconic lyric, "Iss party mein kaam hai tera tera, tera tera!
from his superhit track Naam Hai Tera, adding nostalgic value to the advertisement.
Swiggy Instamart campaigns very effectively in placing the service as an indispensable partner for New Year's celebrations, whether grocery, snack, makeup, decorations, or electronics. A pop culture element is brought in with the launch of the fictional "C.A.P." with Himesh Reshammiya's performance. (Chalo Aur Party Karo), furthering the playful political theme. Commenting on the campaign, Swiggy's VP said, "We wanted to kick off the New Year celebrations with a fun twist on pop culture, making sure Swiggy Instamart is there for all your essentials." It is this light-hearted campaign that places Swiggy Instamart in all the places where a user wants to keep the party going through the festive season.
Reality and credibility:
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